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Universal Tokens​


The native token of Sirius Blockchain. It is used to pay for transaction fees.


The native stabletoken of MetX Games which is priced at approximatley 1.125 USDT.


The currency that powers the metaverse. Tokens can be collected from multiple metaverse events.

ProximaX Terms​

Proximax Sirius Blockchain​

The blockchain technology that powers Metaxar (Metaverse and MetX games).

Sirius Digial Asset (SDA)​

Sirius Digital Assets are part of what makes the Smart Asset System unique and flexible.

An Asset could be a token, but it could also be a collection of more specialized assets such as reward points, shares of stock, signatures, status flags, votes, or even other currencies.

More information here


Another core feature made available by Sirius technology is the ability to generate Namespaces, the blockchain equivalent to a website domain. It is a unique place to link your game company, its games, and tokens (SDAs) on the blockchain. It is necessary for game onboarding as it enables gamers to verify their tokens' authenticity easily and for systems to read off the blockchain and display recognizable names.

A Namespace (root Namespace) can be created with a custom name that must appear as unique in the network, and may have a maximum length of 64 characters. Allowed characters are a, b, c, …, z, 0, 1, 2, …, 9, _ , -.(Excluding capital letters and special characters)

Additionally, a Namespace (root Namespace) can have multiple linked sub-Namespaces with multiple underlying tiers. You can configure your Namespace setup as follows:

  • Tier 1: Root namespace: [company or developer name]
  • Tier 2: Sub namespace: [game name]
  • Tier 3: Multiple sub-namespace: [game tokens]

See the diagram below.


More information here

ProximaX Sirius Wallet​

Blockchain wallet that holds blockchain account(s).

An blockchain account is represented by a key pair (private and public key) associated with a mutable state stored on the Sirius Chain. In other words, you have a deposit box, which only you can modify with your private key.

Think of an account as container for assets. It can be used to hold XPX or other SDAs, whether they are tokens or specialized assets.

Moreover, Sirius Chain accounts can also represent non-fungible assets that must be unique and updatable: a package to be shipped, a house deed or a document to be notarized.

Each account has a unique address. You will normally share the derived address instead, as it is shorter and gathers more information.

More information here

MetX Games Terms​


Referring to Sirius Digital Assets.

MetaXar (Metavarse)​

A 3D science fiction themed metaverse where gamers can compete among themselves while enjoying the storyline of the metaverse.


The person who is invited by a game developer to test a game in the testnet blockchain environment who can also give feedback to a game developer.

In-Game Token (IGT)​

This is the currency used in a game. It can be airdropped or distributed it to your gamers, trade it, or even sell it! How your game's economy works is up to you! (t&c applied)

Limited Edition Token (LET)​

As its name indicates, those are special tokens that are minted with particular properties.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)​

A unique set of tokens that gamers can own in your game. For example, the game developer team can create a set powerful swords made by ancient dwarves from a long-lost lineage. Only 10 of them exist! Example banner

Blockchain Environments​


An experimental network that has testing nodes and therefore testing tokens can be used to power the transaction for in game economies.


In this environment, the game will be connected to Sirius production nodes. Therefore, mainnet XPX has to be used.

More information here.


Blockchain Key Pair​

Public Key​

The public identifier of the key pair. Proves that the entity was signed with the paired private key. The public key is cryptographically derived from the private key. Sirius Chain uses the Twisted Edwards curve with the digital signature algorithm called Ed25519.

Private Key​

A random 256-bit integer used to sign entities.


Please note that the private key has to be stored in a secure way. Anyone who has access to a private key will be able to access to the associated blockchain wallet.

API Keys​

MetX Web API key​

Used to identify games calling the web api.

Wallet Autosigner Access Token​

Cryptographically secure key generated upon starting the wallet autosigner, used to authorize requests sent to the service.