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This manual will walk you through integrating your game with the Sirius test network (testnet) and production network (mainnet) environments and releasing it for gamers to access and play.

It is recommended to deploy the game using our test environment, where Sirius testing tokens are available. Additionally, you will be able to create custom tokens (Sirius Digital Assets - SDA), allowing your gaming community to test ahead of production and real-world value tokens.

Once you are happy with your blockchain integration, you will be ready to launch your game on the mainnet, where your in-game economy will come to life. In addition, you can enable mainnet token swaps for gamers via the Sirius Decentralized Exchange (DEX).

We are excited that you have joined us, and we look forward to hand-holding you throughout your journey from integration to game launch.

Contact us directly via our live public Helpdesk chat anytime for additional assistance (do note that your messages in this chat will be publicly viewable).